Wednesday, June 9, 2010


1.Latitude and Longitude: 44,38' N 63, 35' W

2.Population:940 397

3.Population Density: 171.28647 per square km.

4.Landforms: Hills and Coastal Plains

5.Climate: ranges from -11 degrees celcius to 22 degrees celcius.

6.Ecozone: Atlantic Maritime Ecozone

7.Closest National Park: Halifax Citadel National Park

8.Industries: Fishing, Aquaculture ( AANS - Aquaculture Assosiation Of Nova Scotia), Agriculture, manufacturing and mining.

9.Tourism: Pier 21, Halifax Citadel, Art Gallery, Royal Nova Scotia International Tatoo, and Halifax Public Gardens.




4. Textbook.


6. Textbook.





Day 1: Today we arrived in Halifax at 11:30am. The car ride here took about 4 hours. By the time we arrived my whole family was starving. We decided to go to Cora’s for an early lunch. After eating at Cora’s- which was amazing- we had it go to our hotel to check in. We are staying at the Citadel Halifax Hotel. We have the most expensive room, which I am surprised my mom let us get, the room is huge! After checking into our room we headed to the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada. We got a guided tour around the place and I actually learned a lot about the history of the citadel. For example, I learned that it was completed in 1856, and was constructed to defend against weapons during the war. The tour took 2 hours. By that time my brother was hungry and insisted on getting something to eat, so we went to the restaurant back at the hotel called Botanica. The food there was great. Once we finished dinner we went to the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo. The were only 33$ for students and I heard it was supposed to be the worlds biggest and best annual indoor entertainment extravaganza. The show was absolutely phenomenal! There was like 2000 performers from around the world doing stunts, acrobatics, dancing, singing, and a lot more! I hope I can see it again next year. Today was a long day, and I am going to get some rest. But tomorrow is going to be another great day in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Day 2 : Today is day 2 in Halifax. For breakfast we went to Botancia again. After eating breakfast my family and I went to Pier 21. We saw an exhibit there called A Day In May. The exhibit had pictures of immigrants coming to Canada. There were pictures of all the luggage the immigrants had to bring and also pictures of the people on the ship coming Pier 21. The one picture that stood out the most to me was the picture of the family at the immigration interview, looking scared and worried to see if they can stay in Canada. We didn’t stay long at Pier 21, instead we went to Historic Public Gardens. But while we were there my brother pushed me into a bee hive and I got stung only twice. But, the place was beautiful It was large with all different flowers and in the centre was a red gazebo. After seeing the Historic Public Gardens we went to Your Fathers Moustache for dinner. Turns out the only reason we ate there was because my brother liked the name. But, the food was good anyway. After eating dinner we went to a comedy show call the Yuk Yuks, which had Canadian stand-up comedians, the show was absolutely hilarious! My favourite part was when my brother started laughing and figured out that he got food poising from dinner - it wasn’t pretty-which is fine with me because he gave me 2 bee stings. But I am exhausted from laughing at the show. Tomorrow we are off to Stratford- that should be fun.

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