Thursday, June 17, 2010

Edmonton, Alberta

1. Latitude and longitude: 53, 30’ N 113, 30’N

2. Population: 1 034 945

3. Population Density: 109.88287

4. Landforms: flat to rolling hills

5. Climate: range from -17 degrees Celsius to 23 degrees Celsius

6. Ecozone: Prairie Ecozone

7. Closest National Park: Elk Island National Park

8. Industries: Agriculture and Manufacturing.

9. Tourism: Great Divide Waterfall, Valley zoo, Fort Edmonton Park, and West Edmonton Mall.




4. Textbook.


6. Textbook.





Today we arrived in Edmonton. I was most excited to go shopping but Nik was excited to go see Zebras at the zoo. But my mom insisted on us going to go see the Great Divide Waterfall first. Before we went to the waterfall we stopped at our hotel to drop off our bags. The hotel we are staying at is the West Edmonton Mall Inn. I’m glad we were able to stay there because it was right across the road from the West Edmonton Mall. We went to The Pantry for breakfast. I got pancakes. After eating we went to the waterfall like planned.


I even had the chance to talk to a local person there. She said that the city is turning off the waterfall to investigate options for operating the waterfall with de-chlorinated water. She also told me that it was made in 1980 and is 7 metres higher than Niagara Falls. But we had to leave the gorgeous sight of the falls and go to the Valley Zoo. We got to the zoo right around lunch time. We got to see a ton of animals! My favourite was the cute little spider Monkeys. Nik was going crazy because he actually got to see a real Zebra. I swear, he may be 17 but sometimes he acts like he is 6.

CUTE! :)
We also got to go to West Edmonton Mall for indoor skating. The indoor skating rink is called Ice Palace. And the rink was HUGE! I was not expecting it to be that big and still be INSIDE a mall! But we all had fun skating on the ice. Although as usual Nik pushed me down about 300 times, but other than that it was actually FUN!

Today was a very long day and we didn’t have time to do a whole lot in Edmonton. But I am actually excited for tomorrow, Shopping should be fun. And I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I’m actually having fun on My So Called ‘Fun’ Roadtrip Across Canada Family Vacation.

Today is day two in Edmonton, Alberta. I’m so excited that we are actually having time to go shopping. My mom said that we are even going to be able to go into the waterpark. I’m surprised that there can actually be a WATERPARK in a mall. Well I guess they already have an Ice rink so why not add a waterpark too. Before we even went to the waterpark we had to go for breakfast. We decided to go to Denny’s for breakfast. It was very delicious but I was not really paying attention to what I was eating because I just wanted to get to West Edmonton Mall.

When we finally arrived at the mall my jaw actually dropped. THE MALL IS HUGE!

↑ that is a picture of how big it is, and that is only level one! We went shopping at Aeropostale and Garage first. I got 6 shirts and 3 pairs of pants. But we actually did some shopping for my brother and mom too. My brother got a hat from West 49, and 2 t-shirts from Arlies. My mom went to Sears and got a couple pairs of shoes and pants. But we were tired from shopping so much and decided it was time for some ice cream. We found a Dairy Queen and chose to eat there. I had an Oreo Blizzard. We didn’t feel like doing anymore shopping so we headed over to the waterpark. The waterpark was crazy big. It had slides and a wave pool and even a BUNGEE JUMP! Which, of course I went on. It was so scary! I felt like I was actually falling and when I hit the ground SPLAT! But I ended up being okay. Actually, my mom and brother went on it. We left the World Waterpark and went to GalaxyLand. GalaxyLand is an indoor amusement park in the mall. I now know that the mall literally has EVERYTHING. By the time we got to the amusement park it was already 6:00pm so we didn’t have much time to do anything. The only thing we went on was the Mindbender. It is the world’s largest indoor rollercoaster. It was 14 storeys high! But I was starting to feel sick after that so we just decided to go out for dinner, then back to our hotel. We went out to Buffet World for dinner. Nik really liked that because it is all you can eat buffet. But tomorrow we are off to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Hopefully that will be as fun as Edmonton. Goodnight bloggers :)

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