Friday, June 18, 2010

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

1. Latitude and Longitude: 62, 27’ N 114, 21’W

2. Population: 18 700

3. Population Density: 177.72281 square km

4. Landforms: Plains and rolling hills

5. Climate: ranges from -29 degrees Celsius to 21 degrees Celsius

6. Ecozone: Taiga Shield Ecozone

7. Closest National Park: Wood Buffalo National Park

8. Industries: Diamond Mine, Fishing

9. Tourism: Northern Lights, Boating, Walking Trails, Fishing, Wildlife




4. Textbook


6. Textbook.





Today we arrived in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. My Brother got sick from eating too much at the buffet so my mom said we have to take it easy for a couple days. Considering we arrived here at 10:00am we decided to go for breakfast. We went to the Wildcat Cafe. After eating we went to rent a canoe in Northern Frontier. We figured that if Nik still isn’t feeling good then he can sit on the beach and watch my mom and I canoe. My mom and I got to rent a canoe for only 15$ and Nik even took a picture of us.


After Canoeing for about 2 hours we headed to the Niven Lake Trail. The Niven Lake Trail is a really good hiking spot. We saw a lot of birds on the trail that we took. We also saw a beaver! It actually scared me when it just came walking to us. But I got a picture of it.

The Traditional Canadaian Beaver!

We only went for a short hike. We decided to find a spot in the forest and have a picnic. For the picnic we had salad, strawberries and water. We continued walking the trail for a little bit longer. We saw that scary beaver again on our way back. By the time we got back it was already 5:00pm so we went out for dinner. Nik was feeling fine at this point so we went to Fuego International Cuisine. The dinner was very good; I had the grilled seafood stuffed salmon. They even had live music playing while we were eating. I’m not tosure about the name of the band, but whoever they were they were really good. We went to our hotel; weare staying in The Yellowknife Inn. Once it got dark we decided to head over to Yellowknife River Day Use Area. We decided to bringa blanket to sit on and watch the northern lights. Once we got to the park the lights in the sky had already begun. They went on for about an hour. They were absolutely beautiful! I defiantly got a picture of that!

We were all super tired by the time we got back. Tomorrow is another day in Yellowknife, but I’m tired... I will post my next blog on Yellowknife tomorrow.

Today is day two in Yellowknife. We all got up at 11:30am this morning. We decided to grab somthing quick to eat at Time Hortons. Then after eating we went to go wind surfing on Black Bay. Windsurfing was actually very fun. Then after windsurfing we decided to go drive along Ingraham Trail. Ingraham Trail is a trail that leads to a lot of hiking trails and picnic spots. We chose to stop by a lake and go fishing. We caught a lot of little fishies. But we put all the fish we caught back into the lake. After fishing, we all went out for another picnic. We drove farther along Ingraham Trail and found a really good picnic spot. For the picnic we ate peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches. We also had cookies and fruit punch. Nik said that he wanted to go swimming at the beach. So we left the picnic spot,and we went to Fred Henne Park Beach. We went swimmign fro a few hours. The water was actually pretty cold. Once we had enough of swimming, we played soccer and badminton. By the time we finished at the beach it was already 6:00pm. For dinner we went to Ryans restraunt. It is a chinease Buffet. It was really good. i dont even know what i had. All i know is that it was very delicious! But tomorrow is Vancouver. And im sad that we have ot leave, im haveing fun and i dont want to leave. Alothough, i still have Vancouver, so i will try and make it last. Well i will post day one in Vancouver tomorrow. :)

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